
Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Bobcat & I

bobcatIt was 10:30 PM and I decided to prepare to go for my evening walk.  I wasn't going to walk long, or that far since it was late and I usually go just after dusk.  Mase - check!  Cellphone - check!  iPod - Check!  But, I had to get my flashlight out of my car.  I shut the door behind me.....I stood out in the walkway for a minute in awe of the large bright moon, the twinkle in the stars and the different sounds of the nature in the night.  Everything seemed to be alive and thriving as the sounds of toads, crickets and owls were fulfilling the air....I guess those weren't the only creatures lurking in the night.  As I rounded the corner to the drive, there stood at the other end of my garage and not more than 10 feet away from me was a large Bobcat.  I've seen Bobcats in my lifetime, but this one by far was the largest I had ever saw!  It became just as startled as I was and in one jolt and one leap, it disappeared into the bushes.  I have three huge empty lots that are lush with trees surrounding my place, so it isn't surprising to me to find some kind of wildlife.  So, when the bobcat leaped into the bushes, I froze against my car preparing for attack mode [I gesture to you a karate chop action, lol].  I didn't know what to think of this wild beast and what he was capable of doing.  I've seen during hunting a wild boar chase me up a tree, so I was just guessing what this thing could do!  A couple minutes had to have gone by before I actually started to calm down and wise up that this pussycat is probably long gone by now and frightened of me and I can begin my walk (in the opposite direction of course).  But, I wanted to take one last look towards the bushes.  The darkness made it hard to focus but a few feet in front of me, and I kid you not, there I saw, like out of a horror film or your worst nightmare, two large beady eyes peering through the bushes staring right back at me watching my every move.  My heart literally jumped out of my chest!  My walk wasn't that important to say the least, and without giving off fear, I quickly dashed to the front door and into the house where I know I'd be safe.  There's always tomorrow evening for another walk....but maybe, I'll stick with going before dusk.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Port St. Lucie Sidewalks & Bike Lanes

Let's talk about proposed sidewalks and bike lanes for the city of Port St. Lucie, Florida. But first, let me give you a little bit of history about this growing community.

Port Saint Lucie was a largely uninhabited tract of land south of White City, Florida in the 1950s, composed of a fishing camp, a few farms and businesses near US1. In 1959, the GDC opened its first bridge over the St. Lucie River, allowing for direct automobile access to Port St. Lucie.

By February 25, 1961 there were 250 homes in the new city. Port St. Lucie wasn't considered or became a city until April 27, 1961 with the passage of House Bill No. 953, proposed by State Representative Rupert Smith and approved by Florida Governor C. Farris Bryant. In the early 21st Century, Port St. Lucie was named the fastest growing city in the United States. There were only about 300 inhabitants in 1970; rapid growth began after 1980, with a population around 15,000 in 1980, and approximately 55,000 in 1990. By 2000 census, Port St. Lucie's population grew to 88,769, and just 7 years later in 2007 it grew to have 400,121 residents. In 2003, The Tradition Development Corporation bought land in Port St. Lucie, and created a new community, known as Tradition. Currently, construction is still being completed in the newest community, but some shopping and housing has been established.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good Deed #2

The Family DogI was out for an evening walk tonight, and didn't get too many steps ahead when a truck pulled up and a young lady asked if I have seen her dog.  I replied no, but asked what kind of dog it was and it's personality to strangers if I did approach it.  I didn't hesitate to let her know I'd be glad to help in search for her dog since I was already out walking anyway and I had a flashlight to help with the search.  Quite frankly, I didn't mind helping one bit - I had time to spare, and really, how hard is it to call out Mocha (the dogs name) during my walk?  Besides, it's almost like killing two birds with one stone.  I get my exercise AND be a good samaritan.  You can't beat that!  Her husband and daughter were out walking too and scanning the lots with flashlights.  The daughter, probably about 10 or so was so determined to find her dog, that the sound of her voice calling for Mocha, made my bottom lip quiver - even more of a reason for me to search the area thoroughly.  I separated from them going the other way to cover more ground, and after a full hour had passed, coming up on 10pm and not having anything for dinner yet, I decided to walk back home.  Just before turning into my driveway, the husband came around the corner on his motorcycle and told me that they were still looking for him.  He told me where him and his family lived in the event I do come across Mocha, and I told him I'd stop by probably later this week to see if Mocha returned or if they found him.  I also stated that Mocha will turn up.  I received a warm 'thank you for your help' and he drove off continuing his search.

I don't know about you, but when these types of situations cross my path, I don't ignore them too often.  Perhaps, it is exactly these types of helpful gestures and the opportunities for me to give back is exactly what I need to feel there is a purpose.  To me, in any way, shape or form, by being generous, considerate and thoughtful, and I am able to use that in a positive light, always 100% do I feel happy to do something for someone else.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Deed

I did my good deed of the day! I was off to run some errands today and stopped by the local Starbuck's. I saw an elderly gentleman, his wife and their granddaughter (or so, I assume) looking dressed as if they were just coming out of church heading their way to the same place I was. They were quite a few feet away, but I noticed the elderly man was blind. As the wife and granddaughter slowly helped him along, I thought this was a good reason (and a possible sign from God) to do something that makes me feel good and positive about myself. Instead of rushing into Starbuck's, I waited patiently until the family got closer for me to open the door for them. I won't deny that I've done this before, and never received any sort of thank you from others before - but it wasn't about that this was about me doing a good deed. However, this time I did get a blessed thank you from all three, not once, but twice with sincere smiles. And doing such a good thing for someone else did eventually pay off. The wife after paying for her drinks gave me two coupons to Starbuck's and told me, "I have no use for them anymore, here is a sort of 'thank you'." That alone, made my day seem ever so much brighter.